We’d appreciate it if you could take a few moments to complete the fields below so we can ensure that you’re always in the know.
The quickest way to check if your True product is still under warranty is to enter the serial number into My True.
It will advise of the warranty status for your product, and help put you in touch with one of our service partners if required.
In the first instance, you should contact the distributor that sold you the product. It is their responsibility under the terms of our product warranty to make arrangements for any required service work.
If you are unable to get in touch with them, please contact us to discuss.
True products are available through distributors nationwide. If you have a preferred supplier, chances are they are a True distributor already, but we can also recommend someone local to you if required. Just get in touch.
Egal, ob Sie praktische Kühlberatung suchen oder Produktunterstützung benötigen, wir sind immer für Sie da. Kontaktieren Sie uns unten.
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